Sunday, February 28, 2010

Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum

Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum Review

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Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum Feature

This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. This text refers to the Bibliobazaar edition.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ordenssällskap: Rosencreuzarna, Illuminati, Golden Dawn, Maria-orden, Skull and Bones, Coldinuorden, Odd Fellow Orden, Danska Frimurarorden (Swedish Edition)

Ordenssällskap: Rosencreuzarna, Illuminati, Golden Dawn, Maria-orden, Skull and Bones, Coldinuorden, Odd Fellow Orden, Danska Frimurarorden (Swedish Edition) Review

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Ordenssällskap: Rosencreuzarna, Illuminati, Golden Dawn, Maria-orden, Skull and Bones, Coldinuorden, Odd Fellow Orden, Danska Frimurarorden (Swedish Edition) Feature

Källa: Wikipedia. Sidor: 26. Kapitlen: Rosencreuzarna, Illuminati, Golden Dawn, Maria-orden, Skull and Bones, Coldinuorden, Odd Fellow Orden, Danska Frimurarorden, Tempel Riddare Orden, Knutsgillen, A∴A∴, Osmth, Temple of the Rosy Cross, Oranienorden, Jerikos riddare, Soltempelorden, Ordo Templi Orientis, Samfrimureri, Svarta Örns Orden, Cincinnatusorden, Vitterhetssamhället Ära och frihet, Ordensdräkt, Rättfärdighetens och Harmonins knytnävar, Shriners, Abelsorden, Regalier. Utdrag: Golden Dawn, fullständigt namn Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (förkortat G.D.), är en sluten ockult orden som ursprungligen bildades i London, England, 1887 eller 1888 av de tre framstående frimurarna Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, Dr. William Wynn Westcott och Dr. William Robert Woodman. Orden existerade i sin ursprungliga form till några år efter sekelskiftet 1900. Under sin glansperiod på 1890-talet skulle den dra till sig individer från Londons intelligentia och konstkretsar, bl.a. så framstående människor som den irländske poeten William Butler Yeats, skådespelerskan Florence Farr, frihetskämpen Maud Gonne, samt författarna Arthur Machen, Arthur Edward Waite och Aleister Crowley. Golden Dawn-traditionen är en syntes av många aspekter av den västerländska mysterietraditionen och innehåller så till synes skilda delar som ceremoniell magi, alkemi, meditation, astrologi, numerologi, Henokiansk magi, divination, tarot, astralprojektion med mera. Den är en naturlig utveckling av renässansens ockulta naturfilosofier av vilka de största inspirationskällorna var Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus och John Dee, men också av den lära som lades fram av den franske ockultisten Eliphas Levi vilket var en av förgrundsfigurerna i 1800-talets ockulta renässans. Liksom dessa författare har Golden Dawn-traditionen sin filosofiska grund till huvudsak i Hermetismen, Qabalah och i Frimureriet. Vidare hämtar den inspiration också ur Zoroasters läror, eleusinska mysterierna, gnosticismen och ur...

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Giemsa banding of the chromosomes of golden hamster bone marrow cells

Giemsa banding of the chromosomes of golden hamster bone marrow cells Review

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Giemsa banding of the chromosomes of golden hamster bone marrow cells Feature

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dillon and the Legend of the Golden Bell (Volume 2)

Dillon and the Legend of the Golden Bell (Volume 2) Review

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Dillon and the Legend of the Golden Bell (Volume 2) Feature

When old enemies and an emissary from a far country rudely interrupt Dillon's vacation, he discovers that an old friend has managed to embroil him in a brewing civil war of the island nation of Xonira. The Lord Chancellor of Xonira figures he can unite the enemy factions if he recovers the ancient artifact called the Golden Bell and so he hires Dillon and Eli to recover it from the haunted vaults of the sealed Blagdasen Citadel. But what good can come from unearthing an artifact forged in blood? And what of the ancient forces of evil guarding it? The author of The Nuclear Suitcase, Joel Jenkins, describes Dillon and the Legend of the Golden Bell as "James Bond meets Cthulhu" and you'll want to check out this heady mixture of the spy thriller and horror genres.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Color Me Beautiful

Color Me Beautiful Review

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Color Me Beautiful Feature

Using simple guidelines, professional color consultant Carole Jackson helps you choose the thirty shades that make you look smashing. COLOR ME BEAUTIFUL will also help you: develop your color personality; learn to perfect your make-up color; discover your clothing personality; use color to solve specific figure problems, and more, including full-color palettes containing the thirty shades for each season--pages you can cut out to carry when you shop!

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Monday, February 22, 2010

The Readers' Choice: 200 Book Club Favorites

The Readers' Choice: 200 Book Club Favorites Review

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The Readers' Choice: 200 Book Club Favorites Feature

Here are two hundred reader-tested answers to the question "What have you read that's good?"  The Readers' Choice is the first book to feature titles based on the recommendations of numerous book clubs.  Victoria McMains has collected two hundred favorites of more than seventy reading groups nationwide, ideal for book group members looking for a "good read," busy people seeking enjoyable books outside the bestseller lists, or anyone who wants to read more but isn't sure where to start.

Combining her skills as a book reveiwer and a veteran book group member, McMains provides brief, captivating profiles of a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction.  There are love stories and war stories, fantasy and political intrigue, biography and nature-and much more.  Each profile highlights the unique traits of the book and ends with a few questions for group favorites as well as little-known gems that have been discovered and treasured.  Indexes organize the entries by title and subject matter, helping readers find books that appeal to their interest. For anyone wanting to learn the easy essentials of starting a book club, check out McMains's introduction.

Let The Readers Guide help you make the most of the precious time you spend reading?


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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Golden Retriever Puppy Handbook

The Golden Retriever Puppy Handbook Review

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The Golden Retriever Puppy Handbook Feature

What Ann Johnson brings to the discussion in this book are very personal ways of caring for Golden Retriever puppies based on her experience, knowledge, and background in Biology. Her natural ability to listen to all points of view and her extensive background in science as an educator and researcher have proven invaluable in helping to create the best and most harmonious life for each of her Golden puppies and for each puppyÂ’s family. Explaining the growth phases of a Golden puppy during his first year of life, Ann separates these periods into stages of development, describing the major changes that take place: Seven Weeks through Four Months Five Months through Eight Months Nine Months through Twelve Months In the comprehensive middle section of the book, she deals with health concerns: Vaccinations Feeding and Nutrition Common Health Problems Parasites Neutering and Spaying Finally, she addresses specific topics for new owners (and breeders) including a chapter about a puppyÂ’s first visit to the vet (written by Jean H. Cunningham-Smith, VMD). This book is basically a compilation of responses to questions owners of new puppies have asked her over the course of three decades working with owners and their families. In addition, she discusses matters she finds interesting or fascinating and does not avoid discussing areas controversial in the breed: "Not everything is known about so-called genetic defects," she says. "For breeders and owners to focus exclusively on the genetic component and not take into consideration environmental influences ignores a major component of what goes into producing a healthy Golden." Most amazing of all is AnnÂ’s devotion to her own canines and to the welfare of the breed. She is not only clearly fascinated with the lives of these wonderful creatures, but she is as closely connected to their world as she is to ours.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You

The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You Review

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The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You Feature

The first book of its kind in history-a handbook for the practical application of the Secret Code of the Universe, Life and Success. This Code is the key to a vast treasure, hidden within you right now. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Voyage of Argo: The Argonautica (Penguin Classics)

The Voyage of Argo: The Argonautica (Penguin Classics) Review

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The Voyage of Argo: The Argonautica (Penguin Classics) Feature

Written in the third century BC in Alexandria, this is the only full surviving account of Jason's legendary quest for the Golden Fleece. It describes the thrilling adventures of the Argonauts on their voyage to Colchis to plead with king Aeetes for the fleece, his greatest treasure and the Eros-inspired passion felt by his daughter, the beautiful witch-princess Medea, for the scheming Jason. Chronicling a journey that sees Jason and his crew traverse perilous seas, negotiate the treacherous Cyanean Rocks, and confront the lure of the Sirens' song, The Voyage of Argo is a masterful depiction of distinctly human heroism and betrayal caused by love. An eloquent marriage of romance and realism, it tells the definitive version of one of the greatest legends of the classical age: an epic tale of bravery, prophecy and magic.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Super Foods for Seniors (Reverse the Effects of Aging, Rejuvenate Your Veins and Arteries, Keep Your Brain Sharp for Your Golden Years)

Super Foods for Seniors (Reverse the Effects of Aging, Rejuvenate Your Veins and Arteries, Keep Your Brain Sharp for Your Golden Years) Review

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Super Foods for Seniors (Reverse the Effects of Aging, Rejuvenate Your Veins and Arteries, Keep Your Brain Sharp for Your Golden Years) Feature

Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the inside. 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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