Friday, April 30, 2010

black-bone chicken raising technology of medicinal

black-bone chicken raising technology of medicinal Review

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black-bone chicken raising technology of medicinal Feature

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The / The Dog and His Bone / The Fox and the Crow: 3 Aesop Fables

Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The / The Dog and His Bone / The Fox and the Crow: 3 Aesop Fables Review

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Country Mouse and the City Mouse, The / The Dog and His Bone / The Fox and the Crow: 3 Aesop Fables Feature

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Funny Bones ("The Strange Ordeal of Preston Tate", "Ghostwriter", and "Wooden Indian")

Funny Bones ("The Strange Ordeal of Preston Tate", "Ghostwriter", and "Wooden Indian") Review

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Funny Bones ("The Strange Ordeal of Preston Tate", "Ghostwriter", and "Wooden Indian") Feature

Funny Bones. Published in October 1992 by Golden Perils Press. Contains: "The Strange Ordeal of Preston Tate" by Howard Hopkins, "Ghostwriter" by Howard Hopkins and Stewart Zulieve, and "Wooden Indian" by Howard Hopkins. Cover art by Ron Wilber. Twenty-nine pages. Limited edition of 300 copies.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Amazing Mumford Presents All About Bones

Amazing Mumford Presents All About Bones Review

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Amazing Mumford Presents All About Bones Feature

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Monday, April 26, 2010



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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The City Mouse & the Country Mouse-The Dog & the Bone-The Fox & the Cr

The City Mouse & the Country Mouse-The Dog & the Bone-The Fox & the Cr Review

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The City Mouse & the Country Mouse-The Dog & the Bone-The Fox & the Cr Feature

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Friday, April 23, 2010

The Everything Puppy Book: Choosing, Raising, and Training Your Littlest Best Friend (Everything Series)

The Everything Puppy Book: Choosing, Raising, and Training Your Littlest Best Friend (Everything Series) Review

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The Everything Puppy Book: Choosing, Raising, and Training Your Littlest Best Friend (Everything Series) Feature

Finally - a puppy guide that answers all your questions! Nothing is more adorable than a new puppy! But no matter how cute, puppies take a lot of hard work and loving care. The Everything Puppy Book teaches you absolutely everything you need to raise your precious pet through the most critical stages of his or her life.

Packed with professional instructions and useful tips, this is the one book you and your family will turn to time and time again. Including photographs of your favorite breeds, and a color insert, The Everything Puppy Book covers everything from grooming to exercise, and training to breed behavior. Before long, your puppy will become a healthy, well-mannered, well-adjusted, full-grown dog.

The Everything Puppy Book gives you valuable advice on how to:
Choose the best breed for your lifestyle
Help your other pets adjust to the new puppy
Puppy-proof your house
Buy the right supplies
Housebreak your puppy in record time
Solve common behavior problems
Feed and groom your puppy

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Secret of the Dragon (Dragonships of Vindras)

Secret of the Dragon (Dragonships of Vindras) Review

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Secret of the Dragon (Dragonships of Vindras) Feature

New gods are challenging the old high god, Torval, for rulership of the world.  The only way to stop these brash interlopers lies with the five Bones of the Vektia Dragons—the five primal dragons hidden away by the dragon goddess, Vindrash, during the creation of the world.  Without these dragons, one of the new gods, Aelon, cannot seize power.  The only hope of the Vindrasi lies in finding the dragon bones before the followers of Aelon can use them to destroy the old gods.  But the Vindrasi gods have a traitor in their midst…
In the land of mortals, Raegar, a Vindraisi turned Aelon warrior-priest, searches for the spirit bones.  The gods have a champion of their own—Skylan Ivorson, sea-raider and high chief of the Vindrasi clans, and sworn enemy to Raegar.  But Skylan is a prisoner on his own ship. The ship’s dragon, Kahg, has vanished and some believe he is dead.  Skylan and his people are taken as captives to Sinaria, where they must fight in a game known as the Para Dix. The fates of men and gods and are dragons are rushing headlong to destruction. Skylan can stop the calamity, but only if he discovers the secret of the dragon.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Footbinding: A Jungian Engagement with Chinese Culture and Psychology

Footbinding: A Jungian Engagement with Chinese Culture and Psychology Review

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Footbinding: A Jungian Engagement with Chinese Culture and Psychology Feature

In this book Shirley See Yan Ma provides a Jungian perspective on the Chinese tradition of footbinding and considers how it can be used as a metaphor for the suffering of women and the repression of the feminine, as well as a symbol for hope, creativity and spiritual transformation.

Drawing on personal history, popular myths, literature, and work with clients, Footbinding discusses how modern women still symbolically find their feet bound through this ancient practice. Detailed case studies from Western and Asian women demonstrate how Jungian analysis can loosen these psychological bindings allowing the client to reconnect with the feminine archetype, discover their own identity and take control of their own destiny.

This original book will be of great interest to Jungian analysts looking for a new perspective. It will also be of interest to anyone studying Chinese culture and psychology.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

People of the Silence: A Novel of the Anasazi (The First North Americans series, Book 8)

People of the Silence: A Novel of the Anasazi (The First North Americans series, Book 8) Review

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People of the Silence: A Novel of the Anasazi (The First North Americans series, Book 8) Feature

At its pinnacle in A.D. 1150 the Anasazi empire of the Southwest would see no equal in North America for almost eight hundred years. Yet even at this cultural zenith, the Anasazi held the seeds of their own destruction deep within themselves....

On his deathbed, the Great Sun Chief learns a secret, a shame so vile to him that even at the brink of eternity he cannot let it pass: In a village far to the north is a fifteen-summers-old girl who must be found. Though he knows neither her name nor her face, the Great Sun decrees that the girl must at all costs be killed.

Fleeing for her life as her village lies in ruins, young Cornsilk is befriended by Poor Singer, a curious youth seeking to touch the soul of the Katchinas. Together, they undertake the perilous task of staying alive long enough to discover her true identity. But time is running out for them all--a desperate killer stalks them, one who is willing to destroy the entire Anasazi world to get to her.

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