Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cremation in America

Cremation in America Review

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Cremation in America Feature

In this captivating review of the history, the practice, and the industry of cremation in America, award-winning former "New York Times" columnist Fred Rosen provides an authoritative source of information and many revealing facts about an increasingly common, yet still controversial, alternative to burial.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Saint (Modern Library Paperbacks)

Little Saint (Modern Library Paperbacks) Review

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Little Saint (Modern Library Paperbacks) Feature

In the early 1970s, Hannah Green and her husband came upon a small village called Conques, curled like a conch shell in the mountains of south-central France. Entranced, she returned to this numinous place again and again, drawn to the story of the little saint whose spirit fills the lives of the people there. Housed in the village's yellow stone basilica sits the gold reliquary of Sainte Foy, who was beheaded in the fourth century for refusing to deny her faith before a Roman consul. Little Saint, a book written in ecstasy, is at once a moving and passionate tribute to Sainte Foy, a lyrical evocation of daily life in Conques, and a vivid chronicle of the author's intensely felt spiritual journey.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Mirabelle Cookbook

The Mirabelle Cookbook Review

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The Mirabelle Cookbook Feature

Perhaps the most famous chef in Britain, Marco Pierre White presents in this book the recipes on which the Mirabelle's astounding success is based. The recipes range from simple starters through elegant fish and meat courses to irresistible puddings. He provides technical expertise and tips on basic ingredients, preparation and presentation.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Woman Who Loved Reindeer

The Woman Who Loved Reindeer Review

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The Woman Who Loved Reindeer Feature

From the author of the Darkangel Trilogy comes an epic romance, in the tradition of The Clan of the Cave Bear, about a young woman's love for a coldhearted shape-shifter.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Greyhawk)

Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Greyhawk) Review

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Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Greyhawk) Feature

The ranger and the faerie are back!

Fresh from their encounter at White Plume Mountain, the Justicar and Escalla are on the way to Hommlet. But life around a pixie is never exactly . . . stable. Escalla is drawn into the intrigues of the faerie court. Before he knows it, to save her life the Justicar is on his way into the depts of the earth to fight hobgoblins, drow, and the queen of the demonweb pits.

For an adventurer, it's all in a day's work.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Healthy Pet Manual: A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

The Healthy Pet Manual: A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Review

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The Healthy Pet Manual: A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Feature

Examines the environmental, dietary, and lifestyle-related causes of cancer in pets and how to safeguard their well-being

• Cancer is the number one killer of most domestic animals

• Includes health care information on dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, and guinea pigs

• The first consumer-oriented book to assess conventional and alternative treatment options

Keeping their pets healthy and happy is the number one priority of pet owners. Having lost four animal companions to cancer, author Deborah Straw became frustrated by the lack of information about what was causing the disease and wanted to know what she could do to treat and prevent it. This thorough and comprehensive guide is the result of her search for answers. It provides readers with the knowledge of how to ward off the unforeseen causes of cancer and protect the safety and health of their pets.

Cancer is the number one killer of most domestic animals. This revised and expanded edition of Why Is Cancer Killing Our Pets? includes the most up-to-date information on the environmental, dietary, and vaccine-related culprits that may cause cancer in pets and the preventive measures that can be taken against this disease. Readers whose pets have been diagnosed with cancer will benefit from the full spectrum of both conventional and alternative treatments presented in this book--from chemotherapy and laser surgery to herbal therapy, acupuncture, and touch therapy. In addition, readers will find guidance about caring for a sick pet and grieving his or her loss should the pet die. Full of information, options, and support, this is an essential resource for protecting pets.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Pressure Cooker Cookbook

The Pressure Cooker Cookbook Review

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The Pressure Cooker Cookbook Feature

Technology has made today's pressure cookers quieter and safer, and pressure-cooked foods are prepared in one-third the time of traditional cooking methods. These easy-to-follow recipes enhance any cook's ability to cook under pressure with ease.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Vue: Modern French Cookery

My Vue: Modern French Cookery Review

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My Vue: Modern French Cookery Feature

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kuan-yin : the Chinese transformation of Avalokitesìvara

Kuan-yin : the Chinese transformation of Avalokitesìvara Review

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Kuan-yin : the Chinese transformation of Avalokitesìvara Feature

By far one of the most important objects of worship in the Buddhist traditions, the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is regarded as the embodiment of compassion. He has been widely revered throughout the Buddhist countries of Asia since the early centuries of the Common Era. While he was closely identified with the royalty in South and Southeast Asia, and the Tibetans continue to this day to view the Dalai Lamas as his incarnations, in China he became a she -- Kuan-yin, the "Goddess of Mercy" -- and has a very different history. The causes and processes of this metamorphosis have perplexed Buddhist scholars for centuries.

In this groundbreaking, comprehensive study, Chün-fang Yü discusses this dramatic transformation of the (male) Indian bodhisattva Avalokitesvara into the (female) Chinese Kuan-yin -- from a relatively minor figure in the Buddha's retinue to a universal savior and one of the most popular deities in Chinese religion.

Focusing on the various media through which the feminine Kuan-yin became constructed and domesticated in China, Yü thoroughly examines Buddhist scriptures, miracle stories, pilgrimages, popular literature, and monastic and local gazetteers -- as well as the changing iconography reflected in Kuan-yin's images and artistic representations -- to determine the role this material played in this amazing transformation. The book eloquently depicts the domestication of Kuan-yin as a case study of the indigenization of Buddhism in China and illuminates the ways this beloved deity has affected the lives of all Chinese people down the ages.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years

The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years Review

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The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years Feature

This indispensable anthology gathers texts and translations that cover major aspects of the Virgilian tradition from the Roman poet’s own lifetime to the year 1500. Unprecedented in scope, the book presents a vast compendium of materials that illuminate how poets, teachers, students, and common folk responded to Virgil and his poetry. The volume offers a brief commentary on each text, many of which are translated into English for the first time.
The book begins with a chronological survey of Virgil’s influence upon writers from Augustan Rome to Renaissance Italy. There follow detailed reviews of biographies of Virgil, of how his writings were received and used, and of how the poet was envisaged and explained through the centuries. The final section focuses on the tradition of legends associated with Virgil.

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