Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Golden Ballast

Golden Ballast Review

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Golden Ballast Feature

1924. Richard Sebright discovers that the Baltrum, the dilapidated mystery ship he has just bought contains a beautiful girl and a pile of golden ballast. In order to convert the gold to cash without arousing government suspicions he takes the Baltrum south on a hazardous voyage, ostensibly in search of hidden treasure.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Blues and Gospel Records: 1890-1943

Blues and Gospel Records: 1890-1943 Review

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Blues and Gospel Records: 1890-1943 Feature

Since its first edition in 1964, Dixon and Godrich's Blues and Gospel Records has been dubbed "the bible" for collectors of pre-war African American music. It provides an exhaustive listing of all recordings made up to the end of 1943 in a distinctively African American style, excluding those customarily classed as jazz (which are the subject of separate discographies).

The book covers recordings made for the commercial market (whether issued at the time or not) and also recordings made for the Library of Congress Archive of Folk Song and similar bodies--about 20,000 titles in all, by more than 3,000 artists.

For each recording session, full details are given of:

· artist credit

· accompaniment

· place and date of recording

· titles

· issuing company and catalogue numbers

· matrix numbers

· alternative takes
There are also short accounts of the major "race labels" that recorded blues and gospel material, and a complete list of field trips to the south by travelling recording units.

Howard Rye has joined the original compilers for this thoroughly revised, enlarged, and reset fourth edition. The scope has been widened by the addition of about 150 new artists in addition to newly discovered recordings by other artists. The compilation now includes recordings by groups such as the Fisk Jubilee Singers, the Pace Jubilee Singers, and the Tuskegee Institute Singers, who, although they employed African American materials and musical devices, were designed to appeal to a predominantly white audience. Early cylinder recordings of gospel music from the 1890s are included for the first time.

Previous editions of this work are applauded for their completeness, accuracy, and reliability. This has now been enhanced by the addition of new information from record labels and from record company files, and by listening to a wide selection of titles, and detailed cross checking.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Secret Ingredients: The Magical Process of Combining Flavors

Secret Ingredients: The Magical Process of Combining Flavors Review

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Secret Ingredients: The Magical Process of Combining Flavors Feature

There are no such things as secrets in the kitchenbut there are secret ingredients, those ingredients that are not tasted but would be missed if they were omitted. The key to using these wonderful flavor-highlighting techniques is found in nearly 200 extraordinary recipes such as Lamb with Blue Cheese, Jalapeños and Port; and Warm Scallop and Watercress Salad with Bacon Vinaigrette.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, the Fox and the Crow, the Dog and His Bone

The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, the Fox and the Crow, the Dog and His Bone Review

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The Country Mouse and the City Mouse, the Fox and the Crow, the Dog and His Bone Feature

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

To North India with Love: A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur (To Asia with Love)

To North India with Love: A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur (To Asia with Love) Review

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To North India with Love: A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur (To Asia with Love) Feature

Typical guidebooks can overwhelm readers with page after page of recommendations. Selectively, through the writing of more than fifty expatriates, travelers, and locals, To North India With Love presents a collection of thoughtful, unique suggestions. The fourth book in the exciting To Asia With Love guidebook series, its practical information is paired with personal essays that will inspire both seasoned globetrotters and armchair travelers.


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Iliad (Arcturus Paperback Classics)

Iliad (Arcturus Paperback Classics) Review

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Iliad (Arcturus Paperback Classics) Feature

This groundbreaking English version by Robert Fagles is the most important recent translation of Homer's great epic poem. The verse translation has been hailed by scholars as the new standard, providing an Iliad that delights modern sensibility and aesthetic without sacrificing the grandeur and particular genius of Homer's own style and language. The Iliad is one of the two great epics of Homer, and is typically described as one of the greatest war stories of all time, but to say the Iliad is a war story does not begin to describe the emotional sweep of its action and characters: Achilles, Helen, Hector, and other heroes of Greek myth and history in the tenth and final year of the Greek siege of Troy.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In This Poem I Am: Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton (Voyageur Classics)

In This Poem I Am: Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton (Voyageur Classics) Review

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In This Poem I Am: Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton (Voyageur Classics) Feature

In a country in which poetry has been largely private and apologetic, Robin Skelton played the part of poet with grand style: flowing beard, mane of white hair, rings on every finger, huge amulet around his neck, all topped off with a black hat that looked as if it came from a Venetian gondolier but was really picked up at the re-enactment of a Cariboo Gold Rush-era general store in Barkerville, B.C.

In this selection of his best verse there are poems of "high" and "low" art, spells and prayers, meditations, shemanic maps, and, in the centre of the book, "messages," those strange, inspired "gifts" at the core of Skelton's art. In making the selection for this volume, editor Harold Rhenisch, himself an accomplished poet, has held to the image that Skelton's themes repeat like the ripples of water spreading out from a pebble dropped into a pool, and has attempted to bring together the best ripple from each dropped pebble.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China (Studies on China)

Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China (Studies on China) Review

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Pilgrims and Sacred Sites in China (Studies on China) Feature

Until now, China has been scarcely represented in the burgeoning comparative literature on pilgrimage. This volume remedies that omission, discussing the interaction between pilgrims and sacred sites from the tenth century to the present. From the perspectives of literature, art, history, religion, politics, and anthropology, the essays focus on China's most famous pilgrimage mountains as well as lesser known sites.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adventures of Timmy and Sherry, Book I: Losing Their Marbles

Adventures of Timmy and Sherry, Book I: Losing Their Marbles Review

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Adventures of Timmy and Sherry, Book I: Losing Their Marbles Feature

Join Timmy, Sherry, and friends on the adventure of a lifetime to save the world's colors in this fanciful children's story. Someone (or something) has stolen the Secret Sacred Magic Marbles that control the world's colors. If they are not returned by sunset today, all the world's colors will change to black and white forever and ever.

The story begins with the launch of the new high-tech space shuttle Colors to deploy its payload, the new high-tech space telescope Primary. This very special telescope can see all the colors of the world that the human eye cannot. The mission is to study the world's colors and try to answer the question, ''Would life on Earth be the same if everything was in black and white?''

Meanwhile, Sherry has been tasked with the search for the missing marbles by Lola, the Angel of Marbles, and Lolo, the Angel of Grapes. The angels have given Sherry the gift of language, allowing her to talk with and understand all life on Earth, to aid her in the search. Sherry, her brother Timmy, and her cousin Caleb, known as the ''Force of Cousins,'' team up with a colorful array of pets and wildlife to find the marbles. As they search throughout the day, Earth's colors gradually begin to change to black and white, causing great confusion around the world. Can the Force of Cousins and friends find the marbles in time to save the world's colors?

This unique, fast-paced mystery will keep you guessing all the way to sunset. Join Timmy, Sherry, and friends in the quest to find the Secret Sacred Magic Marbles before the world's colors are lost forever. This is a tough one to put down.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Guide to Health: For Women over Forty

Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Guide to Health: For Women over Forty Review

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Dr. Nancy Snyderman's Guide to Health: For Women over Forty Feature

In this comprehensive health guide for women over forty, the medical correspondent on Good Morning americanca “offers authoritative, practical advice written with intelligence, humor, and wisdom” (Dr. Dean Ornish). Index.

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